If you didn't watch the live from yesterday for week 5 of handmade for the holidays #1 GO WATCH IT! 😂 #2 I talked about an idea I have for December for us to capture the moment each day so we don't forget the details of our lives as we move through busy times. In the video I showed you how to assemble and bind this book that I am sharing here. It is available as an SVG file in my Etsy store if you want to make your own. Some people are using it for their Carve December stamps which I think is a great idea! I will be using it for my new practice that I'm starting and sharing with all of you called 'Capture the Moment'! I will choose a photo from my phone that I've taken each day and print it and put it in the book with a little note describing what it is or why I chose it. You can keep this really simple and it shouldn't take more than five minutes. But it is a great way to remember all the little details of our lives as we go through these busy times. If you'd like to join in, please post here daily what your picture is, and use the tag #capturethemoment
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